![venus animated](aliens/venus-spinning.gif)
Venus spinning with heavy clouds and storms. Animation has transparent background. |
![purple alien](aliens/4-arm-alien-2018.jpg)
Purple alien with 4 arms trying to figure out which way to go. |
![walking alien animation](aliens/green-alien-walking-w.gif)
Alien moving left to right. Animated alien was designed for light or white backgrounds. |
![smart alien](aliens/2024-alien-hiding-rover.jpg)
An alien hiding from a space rover. |
![fluffy alien animation](aliens/2019-fluffy-alien-animation.gif)
Alien gets a bit fluffy when he is upset. |
![alien with large head animated](aliens/alien-long-walk-w-1.gif)
Animated green alien with big red eyes and a large head. Animation is designed for white or light colored backgrounds. |
![fast alien](aliens/swift-alien-1.gif)
Fast moving alien. He has a small shadow on white. |
![blue gray alien with wild walk animated](aliens/alien-walk-2B.gif)
This blue gray alien has yellow eyes and a wild walk. The animated alien was created for black and dark web pages. |
![walk alien for black backgrounds](aliens/green-alien-walking-b.gif)
Green alien swinging those arms. This animated alien has a black matte for dark backgrounds. |