![predator looking for aliens animation](aliens/2019-predator-animation.gif)
Predator checking out his equipment before battling aliens. |
![alien internet](aliens/2024-alien-phones-home.jpg)
A space alien contacting his home. He must have really good wi-fi. |
![will the real alien please stand up](aliens/the-real-alien.gif)
This shy space alien has a secret. You might think he is green like the others but really he is yellow. Hope no one finds out. |
![alien face red eyes](aliens/alien-face-crown.jpg)
King of the blue aliens with natural crown, red eyes and blue skin on black. The Blue Alien King loves green aliens and is planning a surprise visit to Green Alien Land. |
![alien fighter](aliens/alien-soldier.jpg)
Alien soldier ready for a battle. |
![space alien doing yard work](aliens/space-alien-raking-leaves.jpg)
Father space alien doing yard work (don't worry, that's not tobacco in his pipe). |
![alien working on an Easter egg](aliens/5-alien-coloring-Easter-egg.jpg)
The Easter Alien colors an egg with many colors. |
![blue alien animated](aliens/alien-walk-1W.gif)
Blue alien with an interesting walk. |
![alien Santa Claus](aliens/5-alien-santa.jpg)
Alien Santa Claus smiling and waving. My, what green eyes you have Santa. |
![transporting up to the ship](aliens/beam-me-up.gif)
Beam me up. |
![transporting down to the surface](aliens/beam-me-down.gif)
Beam me down. |