A spooky Halloween night. |

Happy Halloween with scary claw. |

Scary jack-o'-lanterns with bats. |

Ghosts and jack-o'-lanterns in black and white. |

Jack-o'-Lantern in the sky. |

Witch on Halloween night. |

Scary Halloween night with jack-o'-lanterns. |

Scary house with ghosts and flying bats. |

Haunted houses with a coven of flying bats with a full moon. |

Grim Reaper graveyard Halloween scene. |

Dark graveyard scene on Halloween night with lots of bats. |

Spooky skulls floating in the air on Halloween. |

A witch flying on her broom on an All Hallows Eve with a full moon. |

Grim Reaper and his scythe on a foggy night. |

Spooky Jack-o'-lanterns and Witch |

Wolf baying at the full moon with bats and a witch flying. |

Halloween graveyard scene with witch. |

Ghost and a witch on a scary night. |

Grim Reaper with bats and haunted house. |

Happy Halloween with ghosts. |

Graveyard scene with bats. |

Zombies rising from the grave. |

Scary jack-o'-lantern and candles. |

Halloween and jack-o'-lantern. |

Spooky skeleton background image. |

Angry ghosts in a tree. |

Mummy and bat background. |

Monster and bats background. |

Trick or Treat with 3 jack-o-lanterns. |

Haunted house jack-o'-lantern and bats. |

Halloween night with bats and skull. |

Black Cat with orange eyes for Halloween with gradient. |

Jack-o'-lantern haunted house with Happy Halloween. |

Jack-o'-lanterns with bats flying on an orange sky. |

Haunted house and owl. |

Flying witch and evil skulls. |

Scary jack-o'-lanterns on Halloween night. |

Victor Frankenstein and The Monster. This image is a movie still from 1931 "Frankenstein".
A Reminder: Our backgrounds are for personal use only. |

The Wolf Man as played by Lon Chaney Jr. in 1941 with Evelyn Ankers.
A public domain image for personal use. If you want to use it for business, get the original from Universal Studios. |

A scary jack-o'-lantern, pumpkin and candle scene with lots of smoke. |

A woman surprised by black widow spiders. |

Happy Halloween with a black cat plus the Frankenstein monster. |

Halloween cookies including ghosts and jack-o'-lanterns. |

Haunted house with full moon and flying bats. |

She is either dressed up for Halloween or that is one scary face. |

Pumpkin patch Halloween background. |

Halloween party image with scary friends. |

A dark and scary Gothic entrance for Halloween. |

Halloween jack-o'-lantern scene with spiders. |

Scary Halloween scene with the Grim Reaper, haunted house and full moon. |

Jack-o'-lantern, candles and straw Halloween background image. |

Full moon on All Hallows Eve with a witch flying on her broom. |

Spider on a her web in the dark. |

A wolf howling at the moon on Halloween. |

Vampiress Image |

Scary owl with spooky jack-o'-lanterns. |

Witch flying on her broom and full moon. |

Zombies have taken over the world. |

Halloween Scene Pumpkins |

Black cat, ghosts and bats. 1280 x 800 pixels. |

Spooky jack-o'-lantern. 1280 x 800 pixels |

Haunted house scene with flying witch. |

Scary night scene with bats. |